Saturday 14 March 2015

[試譯] 短文試譯

Anyone who saw him once never forgot his nose and his body. The first time anyone saw him, they were very surprised. The second time, they looked at his nose with admiration, as if it were a valuable treasure. His nose, which was longer than Barbara Streisand’s, occupied most of his face. When he smiled, nothing but his nose was visible. He was recognized by it even in a crowd. The treasure made one think that in his previous life he had been a collie or an anteater. In addition, his nose was as thin as a razor. If he had flown like a jet, he could have divided the clouds. His body was also very skinny. He looked as if he had not eaten for ten days. He was a heavy eater, but one couldn’t imagine where he kept food in his body. Finally, on a windy day, he was blown away and gone, like Mary Poppins.


(1)   芭芭拉‧史翠珊:猶太裔美國歌手,電影演員導演及製片人。以頗具特色的鼻子為她五官的特色。

(2)   瑪麗‧包萍:《歡樂滿人間》(英語Mary Poppins),是迪士尼公司1964年發行上映的真人動畫作品,改編自澳大利亞兒童文學作家P·L·卓華斯同名小說。主角瑪麗‧包萍(Mary Poppins)是一位仙女褓母,經常穿梭於空中、從天而降,解決孩子們的問題。