Wednesday 29 April 2015

[試譯] 文學賞析_Half of a Yellow Sun

本文摘自 Half of a Yellow Sun,背景設於 1960 年代的奈及利亞。小男孩由親戚領著來到城裡,準備在一位留學歸國的教授家幫忙打雜,文中交雜當地方言(Igbo)與英文,翻譯策略經營上需注意一致性。

‘I will learn fast, Aunty,’ Ugwu said. He was staring at the car in the garage; a strip of metal ran around its blue body like a necklace.
    ‘Remember, what you will answer whenever he calls you is Yes, sah!’
    ‘Yes, sah!’ Ugwu repeated.

They were standing before the glass door. Ugwu held back from reaching out to touch the cement wall, to see how different it would feel from the mud walls of his mother’s hut that still bore the faint patterns of molding fingers. For a brief moment, he wished he were back there now, in his mother’s hut, under the dim coolness of the thatch roof; or in his aunty’s hut, the only one in the village with a corrugated-iron roof.




    His aunty tapped on the glass. Ugwu could see the white curtains behind the door. A voice said, in English, ‘Yes? Come in.’
    They took off their slippers before walking in. Ugwu had never seen a room so wide. Despite the brown sofas arranged in a semicircle, the side tables between them, the shelves crammed with books, and the centre table with a vase of read and white plastic flowers, the room still seemed to have too much space. Master sat in an armchair, wearing a singlet and a pair of shorts. He was not sitting upright but slanted, a book covering his face, as though oblivious that he had just asked people in.
‘Good afternoon, sah!’ This is the child,’ Ugwu’s aunty said.





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