Sunday 12 April 2015

[試譯] 專題報導_Not Just Another Pretty Face

Not Just Another Pretty Face / 不只是花瓶

(subtitle)A new study claims men focus on women’s bodies when they’re seeking a quick hookup, but look above the neckline for a long-term mate. It may ring true, but is it Stone Age psychology at work?


Women seeking a one-night stand might consider wearing a push-up bra and high heels to a bar, but those searching for a spouse might want to focus on applying eyeliner and lipstick. At least, that seems to be part of the takeaway from a new study that found that men look for good bodies in short-term mates but pretty faces in long-term partners. As for men, maybe weightlifting shouldn’t be a priority. According to the study, women care more about faces than bodies for both short- and long-term relationships.


The fact that men (and, in this particular study, college men) were more interested in seeing a woman’s body for a one-time hookup isn’t too shocking. The question is whether natural selection really shaped that preference, as the study claims. According to the psychologists at the University of Texas at Austin who conducted the study, a woman’s body generally provides information about her current state of fertility. “There are some cues that can only be conveyed by a woman’s body, like her pregnancy status,” says Jaime Confer, who coauthored the study with graduate student Carin Perilloux and Prof. David Buss. “Men’s psychology is designed to attend to that.” In other words, men are wired to choose to view a woman’s body for a one-night stand because, back in the Stone Age, they needed to make sure that a potential sex partner didn’t already have a bump in her belly.


Why might men be more interested in seeing a woman’s face when marriage is an option? While 49 percent of men chose to look at a woman’s face for a one-night stand, 75 percent opted to view her face for a long-term relationship. “One possibility is that we judge people’s characters from their faces—whether they are honest, kind, and smart,” says Steven Pinker, a cognitive scientist at Harvard. “These matter a lot more when you’re married to someone than if you’re just having a one-night stand.”

男人尋找終身伴侶,為什麼會把長相視為較重要的考量?49% 的男人在尋找一夜情時,會在意對方的長相,但75% 的男人在挑選穩定對象時,會把對方的臉蛋也加入評分標準。哈佛大學認知科學家史堤芬‧品客認為:「一個可能的解釋是,我們習慣靠外表來評斷這個人的個性-無論是否忠誠、友善或者聰明。」「比起一夜情,上述這些條件在尋找結婚對象時就重要多了。」

While participants in the study had the option of looking only at either head or body—but not both—the real world offers us a more complete picture of people, of course. The bottom line? “Don’t neglect your face or your body,” Confer says. “It all still matters.” Being nice probably won’t hurt either.



  1. "the real world offers us a more complete picture of people" 的意涵,應是指現實生活中,除了外表 (臉蛋和身材) 等表面的條件之外,我們更能夠藉由交談等方式瞭解對方的人格、個性等內在素質,進而更全面地認識一個人。還有,最後一句 "Being nice probably won’t hurt either" 漏譯囉
