Saturday 4 April 2015

[試譯] 科普新知_Computers without Borders

Computers without Borders / 電腦無遠弗屆

In the beginning computers were human. Then they took the shape of metal boxes, filling entire rooms before becoming ever smaller and more widespread. Now they are evaporating altogether and becoming accessible from anywhere.


That is about as brief a history of computers as anyone can make it. The point is that they are much more than devices in a box or in a data centre. Computing has constantly changed shape and location -- mainly as a result of new technology, but often also because of shifts in demand.


The first “computers” were indeed people. The word originally meant an individual who solved equations, often using a mechanical calculator. Hundreds of them were employed by big companies that needed to do a lot of number-crunching, such as aeroplane manufacturers. It was only around 1945 that the word came to describe machinery.

第一台電腦無庸置疑就是人腦。”computer” 這個字的原意,是指一個經常用機械式計算機來解答方程式的人。需要大量處理數字運算的公司,比如飛機製造商,就會雇用幾百個這樣的「運算者」來工作。當時約是1945年,「機械」這個詞才剛被創造出來。

But even after that, computing kept undergoing mutations -- or, in the jargon, platform shifts. The mainframe, the original computing platform, was dethroned by minicomputers, which in turn gave way to personal computers, which are now being pushed aside by hand-held devices and smartphones. With each step the architecture -- the underlying structure of computing -- became more distributed.


Now, computing is taking on yet another new shape. It is becoming more centralized again as some of the activity moves into data centres. But more importantly, it is turning into what has come to be called a “cloud,” or collections of clouds. Computing power will become more and more disembodied and will be consumed where and when it is needed.


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